This text book is a comprehensive integrated treatise on Engineer in Society in the modern age; by addressing the three important aspects of the study namely, science, technology and engineering. It presents the State of the Arts in Science, Technology and Engineering. All topics have been carefully selected for completeness, researched, and discussed in the class as accurately as possible, with an emphasis on the following: Definitions, Historical Development of Engineering, Science and Technology. The Engineering Family: The Engineer, the Technologist, the Technicians, the Artisans and Craftsmen. Role of the Engineer in the Society; in Space Travel Missions, Class lectures and discussions is also centered in the Role of Engineer in Oil and Gas Production Operations, in Politics, in Law, Medicine, Education, Administration, Management, Food Production, Utilities, Military Service, and Development of new Technologies and Products. Branches of Engineering: Agricultural Engineering, Aeronautical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Material and Metallurgical Engineering, Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Petroleum Engineering, Gas Engineering and Chemical Engineering, e.t.c. Professional Qualifications: Engineering-Education Qualifications, Registrable as a Professional Engineer with: Nigerian Society of Engineers (NSE), Council for the Regulation of Engineering in Nigeria (COREN), Africa Institute of Science and Technology (AIST NIGERIA) e.t.c. Other Countries have their own bodies. Professional Practice: Professional Ethics and Conducts. Professional Registration Procedures and Engineering Professional Responsibilities. Management skills, Project Management, developing new Technologies, Tools, Machines, Computers, and System protecting intellectual property right and business legal rights handling human and Energy Resources, Fossil, Geothermal, Nuclear, Wind and Solar. Conversant in Safety in Engineering Practice control of occurrences of Accident in Production Industry (Oil, Steel, Mining, e.t.c). Rules and Regulations guiding population of the Environment. Capable of applying appropriate Technologies, Information and Communication Technology (ICT) System in Engineering Practice. Financial Management knowledge requirement, Human Relations Management essential in developing the Engineer to promote productivity in any enterprise.

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Engineers create, design and build, bringing solutions to problems and transforming the environment for betterment of life. Engineers are responsible for the development of science and technology once they design tools, systems and instruments that make possible the acquisition of knowledge in a vast amount of fields. Engineering is responsible for the deep transformation of human relations in the first decade of the 21st century, changing also education paradigms as well as business. A new era in working environment has started, which characteristics are peculiar due to new communications, mobility and globalization. These aspects lead to the fact that now it is also important to train engineers with tools that enable them to act in a working environment that demands a very flexible and innovative mind in order to be inserted in and to keep up with the work market. Knowledge in Basic Sciences, Basic Sciences of Engineering and Specifics of Engineering are fundamental for the traini.

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• Engineering is the application of scientific and mathematical principles, along with experience, judgement and common sense, to practical purposes of the design, analysis and operation of structures, machines and systems. • While science allows us to gain an understanding of the world and the universe, engineering enables this understanding to come to life through problem solving, designing and building things. Scientists investigate that which already is. Engineers create that which has never been.

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Engineering is a very important discipline in the world of today. The importance of this area of specialization by many people is felt all over the world. In the current world we exist in, no country will succeed without the adoption of engineering practices. The importance of engineering in our world is numerous. This piece is just an introduction to the topic under discussion because splitting the topic in detail will occupy a large volume of text. What is engineering? Engineering is a profession in which scientific knowledge and mathematics, gained through study, experiment and practice are applied with intuition or judgment to develop ways to use economically, the materials or forces of nature for the benefit of mankind. So many authors have given their personal definitions on their understanding of the word " engineering ". This word has turned the face of the earth to look more interesting and accommodating. In the years back, there was nothing like electricity, which has made work easy and improves the standard of living. As of then, our forefathers were timid and live in the society that was not transformed through electricity. Because of the efforts of engineering, electricity has advanced and man utilizes it to achieve his goals in life. The Major Importance of Engineering The importance of engineering to be elaborated on are related to six key areas. These six key areas are the importance of engineering in: Agriculture simply put is the cultivation of crops and rearing of animals. This definition is as related to agricultural science. Due to the advancement in the agricultural practice, agriculture has developed a strong link with the field of engineering. It is because of the magnitude of this link that leads to the creation of agricultural engineering, which is among the branches of engineering. This engineering branch takes care of agricultural related affairs. In our today's world, hardly will you see a commercial agricultural farmer that does not make used of machines to increase the rate of his or her agricultural output. This importance added by engineering has really promoted the practice of agriculture all over the world. There are specific kinds of fertilizers for specific kinds of crops. These fertilizers in most cases are products of chemical engineers. They look into the chemical constituents of the manure and used the result generated from the scientists to know which will have good effects on crops and go into their productions. In the dry season, there is no rainfall, yet agricultural products are being supplied to markets where they are being sold to the consumers. The question is: how are these products made available irrespective of the fact that is usually no rainfall in the dry section of the year? Drilling engineers are among the people that make those products available as through the work they do generate water from beneath the ground. It is the water that is used to keep the crops growing through the irrigation system.

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