SF Match Information

ACTA Fellowhip Match Program
Adult Cardio Anesthesiology Fellowship Match Program

The 2025 Match Exception Process is closed

Program Details

In order to provide more consistency and predictability to the ACTA fellowship application process, the ACTA programs participate in a common application and match process provided by SF Match for recruitment.

Applicants and programs participate by registering with SF Match and applicants applying to the programs of their choice. Both programs and applicants submit a rank list based on their preferences. Notably, only programs where an applicant has interviewed can be ranked in the match.

Critical to the match process, programs and applicants can make an Exception Agreement prior to submitting their rank list to SF Match. Exception Agreements allow an applicant and program to agree to match each other prior to submitting their respective rank lists. Importantly, all ACTA positions must be included in the match, including all Exception Agreement positions.

Exceptions to the standard match process have been agreed upon by the ACTA Fellowship Program Directors Council in the following situations:

Applicants who are in active military service at the time of application.

Please note the following: Eligible applicants and programs who wish to take advantage of an exception rule are still required to participate in the match ranking process and must complete an exception agreement. Any match irregularities will be referred to the ACTA Fellowship Program Directors Council leadership.

Program directors complete the first part of the match exception process. (Fellows do not begin this process) Please note, you will need to log in with your SCA username and password. Once the program director completes this portion of the process, the applicant will receive an email with a link to the form they must complete.

Contact SCA’s Operation Services at 847-805-8527 or via email to operations@scahq.org.

Time Table

2024 Adult Cardiothoracic Anesthesiology Fellowship Match for 2025 Positions.