When it comes to medical records in the healthcare industry, you have enough to worry about before you even get to the best storage methods. You’ve got to worry about HIPAA compliance and ARRA regulations. You need to consider patient confidentiality and access. And much, much more.
This is where secure document scanning comes into play. With document imaging services, you can eliminate all the worry and fuss behind maintaining your medical records the right way.
Keep reading to learn more about this simple, but revolutionary technology to keep your patient records secure, all while lowering the cost of doing business.
As it has been for many industries throughout the past few decades, those working with medical records in the healthcare industry have had to do everything manually. Even further, many medical offices maintain half their records on paper and half on their Electronic Health Record System (EHRS). As you might imagine, this leads to a lot of redundancy and time wasted. With modern document scanning services, you can completely eliminate the need for this hybrid approach to record-keeping.
Nothing slows down a medical office more than having to physically file paperwork or wait for records to arrive via fax, mail or email from other offices. This only leads to impatient and frustrated patients who may leave your practice for another.
Document imaging services can help you increase your office staff’s efficiency. These services can help you automate all of your existing manual processes. For example, you can simply scan a patient form and have the system automatically enter that data into your EHRS. This allows your staff to take a more personal approach with your patients, making them feel more welcome and taken care of.
As you know, ARRA and HIPAA both maintain strict regulations around personal health information (PHI), and for good reason! Paper documents can be accessed by anyone with a key or enough of a drive to get into your filing cabinets. With secure document scanning, you can maintain all of your patients’ PHI in encrypted and secure electronic systems. No more worrying about not following compliance and regulations.
It even goes further than that. You can also control specifically who has access to certain documents in your system, all at the tip of your fingers. You can even manage what kinds of tasks are performed with each of the documents in your system.
Because of all the regulations we discussed above, sharing medical records can be tricky sometimes, especially if they’re on paper. With an electronic document scanning system, you can be sure you’re following all the rules when sharing documents. Sharing restrictions can be built directly into the system to ensure you don’t break any rules.
Who doesn’t want to save some money on their operational costs? When you make the switch to using document imaging services, you’ll start saving on capital expenses and instead transition over to operating expenses only.
When you eliminate the manual portions of paper record management, you’ll find yourself able to save more money on personnel and material costs than you’ve ever been able to before. You’ll also be able to utilize more of your office space when you don’t have to worry about those massive filing cabinets anymore.
You can find additional information from Digitech Systems here: Healthcare Industry Brief