Tex dep of transport requirements hand book
Manual Notice | Hydraulic Design Manual | TxDOT Manual System
- ♦ Manual Notice 2019-1
- ► 1. Manual Introduction
- ► 1. About this Manual
- ♦ Purpose
- ♦ Conventions and Assumptions
- ♦ Organization
- ♦ Feedback
- ♦ 1. Overview
- ► 2. Federal Laws, Regulations, and Agencies Governing Hydraulic Design
- ♦ National Flood Insurance Program
- ♦ Executive Order 11988
- ♦ National Environmental Policy Act
- ♦ Rivers and Harbors Act
- ♦ Clean Water Act
- ♦ 23 Code of Federal Regulations 650 Subpart A
- ♦ 23 Code of Federal Regulations 650 Subparts C and H
- ♦ Memoranda of Understanding (Federal)
- ♦ Texas Water Code Chapter 11
- ♦ Texas Water Code Chapter 16 Subchapter I
- ♦ Title 30 Texas Administrative Code Chapter 299
- ♦ Title 43 Texas Administrative Code Rule 15.54(e)
- ♦ Memoranda of Understanding (State)
- ♦ Texas Executive Order D.B. No. 34
- ♦ Area/ Design Office Engineers
- ♦ TxDOT Contract Managers
- ♦ TxDOT Project Managers
- ♦ District Hydraulics Engineers
- ♦ Design Division Hydraulics Branch (DES-HYD)
- ♦ 1. Overview
- ► 2. Scope of Hydrologic and Hydraulic Activities
- ♦ Hydraulic Considerations for Rehabilitated Structures
- ♦ Hydraulic Considerations for New Structures
- ♦ Planning and Programming
- ♦ Preliminary Design
- ♦ Environmental
- ♦ PS&E Development
- ♦ Key Elements of Hydraulic Documentation
- ♦ Special Documentation Requirements for Projects crossing NFIP designated SFHA
- ♦ Permanent Retention of Documentation
- ♦ Documentation Reference Tables
- ♦ 1. Hydrology’s Role in Hydraulic Design
- ► 2. Probability of Exceedance
- ♦ Annual Exceedance Probability (AEP)
- ♦ Design AEP
- ♦ General Guidelines
- ♦ Third Party Studies
- ♦ Hydraulic Design for Existing Land Use Conditions
- ♦ Effect on Existing Facilities
- ♦ Hydrology Analysis Methods
- ♦ Data Requirements Vary with Method Used
- ♦ Geographic and Geometric Properties of the Watershed
- ♦ Land Use, Natural Storage, Vegetative Cover, and Soil Property Information
- ♦ Description of the Drainage Features of the Watershed
- ♦ Rainfall Observations and Statistics of the Precipitation
- ♦ Streamflow Observations and Statistics of the Streamflow
- ♦ Data Requirements for Statistical Analysis
- ♦ Log-Pearson Type III Distribution Fitting Procedure
- ♦ Skew
- ♦ Accommodation of Outliers
- ♦ Transposition of Gauge Analysis Results
- ♦ Procedure for Using Omega EM Regression Equations for Natural Basins
- ♦ Kerby-Kirpich Method
- ♦ The Kerby Method
- ♦ The Kirpich Method
- ♦ Application of the Kerby-Kirpich Method
- ♦ Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) Method for Estimating tc
- ♦ Sheet Flow Time Calculation
- ♦ Shallow Concentrated Flow
- ♦ Channel Flow
- ♦ Manning’s Roughness Coefficient Values
- ♦ Assumptions and Limitations
- ♦ Procedure for using the Rational Method
- ♦ Rainfall Intensity
- ♦ Runoff Coefficients
- ♦ Mixed Land Use
- ♦ Watershed Subdivision
- ♦ Design Storm Development
- ♦ Rainfall Temporal Distribution
- ♦ Texas Storm Hyetograph Development Procedure
- ♦ Models for Estimating Losses
- ♦ NRCS Curve Number Loss Model
- ♦ Green and Ampt Loss Model
- ♦ Capabilities and Limitations of Loss Models
- ♦ Rainfall to Runoff Transform
- ♦ NRCS Dimensionless Unit Hydrograph
- ♦ Kinematic Wave Overland Flow Model
- ♦ Hydrograph Routing
- ♦ Reservoir Versus Channel Routing
- ♦ Annual Exceedance Probability (AEP)
- ♦ Annual Flood
- ♦ Annual Flood Series
- ♦ Antecedent Conditions
- ♦ Area-Capacity Curve
- ♦ Attenuation
- ♦ Backwater
- ♦ Bank
- ♦ Bank Storage
- ♦ Bankfull Stage
- ♦ Base Discharge (for peak discharge)
- ♦ Baseflow
- ♦ Basic Hydrologic Data
- ♦ Basic-Stage Flood Series
- ♦ Bifurcation
- ♦ Binomial Statistical Distribution
- ♦ Boundary Condition
- ♦ Calibration
- ♦ Canopy-Interception
- ♦ Channel (watercourse)
- ♦ Channel Storage
- ♦ Computation Duration
- ♦ Computation Interval
- ♦ Concentration Time
- ♦ Confluence
- ♦ Continuous Model
- ♦ Correlation
- ♦ Dendritic
- ♦ Depression Storage
- ♦ Design Flood
- ♦ Design Storm
- ♦ Detention Basin
- ♦ Diffusion
- ♦ Direct Runoff
- ♦ Discharge
- ♦ Discharge Rating Curve
- ♦ Distribution Graph (distribution hydrograph)
- ♦ Diversion
- ♦ Drainage Area
- ♦ Drainage Divide
- ♦ Duration Curve
- ♦ ET
- ♦ Effective Precipitation (rainfall)
- ♦ Evaporation
- ♦ Evaporation Demand
- ♦ Evaporation Pan
- ♦ Evaporation, Total
- ♦ Evapotranspiration
- ♦ Event-Based Model
- ♦ Exceedance Probability
- ♦ Excess Precipitation
- ♦ Excessive Rainfall
- ♦ Falling Limb
- ♦ Field Capacity
- ♦ Field-Moisture Deficiency
- ♦ Flood
- ♦ Flood Crest
- ♦ Flood Event
- ♦ Flood Peak
- ♦ Floodplain
- ♦ Flood Profile
- ♦ Flood Routing
- ♦ Flood Stage
- ♦ Flood Wave
- ♦ Flood, Maximum Probable
- ♦ Flood-Frequency Curve
- ♦ Floodway
- ♦ Flow-Duration Curve
- ♦ Gauging Station
- ♦ Ground Water
- ♦ Groundwater Outflow
- ♦ Groundwater Runoff
- ♦ Hydraulic Radius
- ♦ Hydrograph
- ♦ Hydrologic Budget
- ♦ Hydrologic Cycle
- ♦ Hydrology
- ♦ Hyetograph
- ♦ Index Precipitation
- ♦ Infiltration
- ♦ Infiltration Capacity
- ♦ Infiltration Index
- ♦ Inflection Point
- ♦ Initial Condition
- ♦ Interception
- ♦ Isohyetal Line
- ♦ Lag
- ♦ Lag Time
- ♦ Loss
- ♦ Mass Curve
- ♦ Maximum Probable Flood
- ♦ Meander
- ♦ Model
- ♦ Moisture
- ♦ Objective Function
- ♦ Overland Flow
- ♦ Parameter
- ♦ Parameter Estimation
- ♦ Partial-Duration Flood Series
- ♦ Peak Flow
- ♦ Peak Stage
- ♦ Percolation
- ♦ PMF
- ♦ Precipitation
- ♦ Precipitation, Probable Maximum
- ♦ Probability of Capacity Exceedance
- ♦ Probability of Exceedance
- ♦ Rain
- ♦ Rainfall
- ♦ Rainfall Excess
- ♦ Rating Curve
- ♦ Reach
- ♦ Recession Curve
- ♦ Recurrence Interval (return period)
- ♦ Regulation, Regulated
- ♦ Reservoir
- ♦ Residual-Mass Curve
- ♦ Retention Basin
- ♦ Rising Limb
- ♦ Runoff
- ♦ Saturation Zone
- ♦ NRCS Curve Number
- ♦ Snow
- ♦ Soil Moisture Accounting (SMA)
- ♦ Soil Moisture (soil water)
- ♦ Soil Profile
- ♦ Stage
- ♦ Stage-Capacity Curve
- ♦ Stage-Discharge Curve (rating curve)
- ♦ Stage-Discharge Relation
- ♦ Stemflow
- ♦ Storage
- ♦ Storm
- ♦ Stream
- ♦ Stream Gauging
- ♦ Streamflow
- ♦ Stream-Gauging Station
- ♦ Sublimation
- ♦ Surface Runoff
- ♦ Surface Water
- ♦ Tension Zone
- ♦ Time of Concentration
- ♦ Time of Rise
- ♦ Time to Peak
- ♦ TR-20
- ♦ TR-55
- ♦ Transpiration
- ♦ Underflow
- ♦ Unit Hydrograph
- ♦ Vadose Zone
- ♦ Water Year
- ♦ Watershed
- ♦ WinTR-55
- ♦ 1. The National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP)
- ► 2. Definitions
- ♦ Types of Flood Zones (Risk Flood Insurance Zone Designations)
- ♦ Participation
- ♦ Floodplain Administrator
- ♦ Texas
- ♦ Non-participating Communities
- ♦ Texas and the NFIP
- ♦ TxDOT and Local Floodplain Regulations
- ♦ Permits versus FPA Notification
- ♦ Hydraulic Structures versus Insurable Structures
- ♦ Off System Structures
- ♦ Liability
- ♦ Before starting the design
- ♦ If the project is within a participating community
- ♦ If the project is within or crossing an SFHA
- ♦ High Bridges
- ♦ Changes to the BFE
- ♦ Range of Frequencies
- ♦ Conditional Letter Of Map Revision (CLOMR)/Letter Of Map Revision (LOMR)
- ♦ FPA Notification Details
- ♦ Communities Without an FPA
- ► 1. Open Channel Flow
- ♦ Introduction
- ♦ Continuity and Velocity
- ♦ Channel Capacity
- ♦ Conveyance
- ♦ Energy Equations
- ♦ Energy Balance Equation
- ♦ Depth of Flow
- ♦ Froude Number
- ♦ Flow Types
- ♦ Cross Sections
- ♦ Roughness Coefficients
- ♦ Subdividing Cross Sections
- ♦ Importance of Correct Subdivision
- ♦ Open Channel Flow or Pressure Flow
- ♦ Depth in Conduits
- ♦ Roughness Coefficients
- ♦ Energy
- ♦ Steep Slope versus Mild Slope
- ♦ Introduction
- ♦ Hydraulic Grade Line Considerations
- ♦ Stage versus Discharge Relation
- ♦ Conservation of Energy Calculation
- ♦ Minor Energy Loss Attributions
- ♦ Entrance Control
- ♦ Hydraulic Grade Line Procedure
- ► 1. Introduction
- ♦ Open Channel Types
- ♦ Methods Used for Depth of Flow Calculations
- ♦ Location Alternative Considerations
- ♦ Phase Planning Assessments
- ♦ Environmental Assessments
- ♦ Consultations with Respective Agencies
- ♦ Other Agency Requirements
- ♦ Stream Channel Criteria
- ♦ Roadside Drainage Channels
- ♦ Channel Linings
- ♦ Rigid versus Flexible Lining
- ♦ Channel Lining Design Procedure
- ♦ Trial Runs
- ♦ Stream Geomorphology
- ♦ Stream Classification
- ♦ Modification to Meandering
- ♦ Graded Stream and Poised Stream Modification
- ♦ Modification Guidelines
- ♦ Realignment Evaluation Procedure
- ♦ Response Possibilities and Solutions
- ♦ Environmental Mitigation Measures
- ♦ Countermeasures
- ♦ Altered Stream Sinuosity
- ♦ Stabilization and Bank Protection
- ♦ Revetments
- ♦ Stage-Discharge Relationship
- ♦ Switchback
- ♦ Introduction
- ♦ Slope Conveyance Method
- ♦ Slope Conveyance Procedure
- ♦ Standard Step Backwater Method
- ♦ Standard Step Data Requirements
- ♦ Standard Step Procedure
- ♦ Profile Convergence
- ► 1. Introduction
- ♦ Definition and Purpose
- ♦ Construction
- ♦ Inlets
- ♦ Economics
- ♦ Site Data
- ♦ Culvert Location
- ♦ Waterway Considerations
- ♦ Roadway Data
- ♦ Allowable Headwater
- ♦ Outlet Velocity
- ♦ End Treatments
- ♦ Traffic Safety
- ♦ Culvert Selection
- ♦ Culvert Shapes
- ♦ Multiple Barrel Boxes
- ♦ Design versus Analysis
- ♦ Culvert Design Process
- ♦ Design Guidelines and Procedure for Culverts
- ♦ Parameters
- ♦ Headwater under Inlet Control
- ♦ Headwater under Outlet Control
- ♦ Energy Losses through Conduit
- ♦ Free Surface Flow (Type A)
- ♦ Full Flow in Conduit (Type B)
- ♦ Full Flow at Outlet and Free Surface Flow at Inlet (Type BA)
- ♦ Free Surface at Outlet and Full Flow at Inlet (Type AB)
- ♦ Energy Balance at Inlet
- ♦ Slug Flow
- ♦ Determination of Outlet Velocity
- ♦ Depth Estimation Approaches
- ♦ Direct Step Backwater Method
- ♦ Subcritical Flow and Steep Slope
- ♦ Supercritical Flow and Steep Slope
- ♦ Hydraulic Jump in Culverts
- ♦ Sequent Depth
- ♦ Roadway Overtopping
- ♦ Performance Curves
- ♦ Exit Loss Considerations
- ♦ Excess Velocity
- ♦ Velocity Protection Devices
- ♦ Velocity Control Devices
- ♦ Broken Back Design and Provisions Procedure
- ♦ Energy Dissipators
- ♦ Detour Culverts
- ♦ Risk
- ♦ Engineering Requirements
- ► 1. Introduction and Definitions
- ♦ Hydraulically Designed Bridges
- ♦ Definitions
- ♦ Introduction
- ♦ Location Selection and Orientation Guidelines
- ♦ Environmental Considerations
- ♦ Water Resource Development Projects
- ♦ FEMA Designated Floodplains
- ♦ Stream Characteristics
- ♦ Procedure to Check Present Adequacy of Methods Used
- ♦ Bridge/Culvert Determination
- ♦ Highway-Stream Crossing Analysis
- ♦ Flow through Bridges
- ♦ Backwater in Subcritical Flow
- ♦ Allowable Backwater Due to Bridges
- ♦ Flow Distribution
- ♦ Velocity
- ♦ Bridge Scour and Stream Degradation
- ♦ Freeboard
- ♦ Roadway/Bridge Profile
- ♦ Crossing Profile
- ♦ Single versus Multiple Openings
- ♦ Factors Affecting Bridge Length
- ♦ Bridge Modeling Philosophy
- ♦ Bridge Alignment
- ♦ Flow Zones and Energy Losses
- ♦ Extent of Impact Determination
- ♦ Water Surface Profile Calculations
- ♦ Bridge Flow Class
- ♦ Zone 2 Loss Methods
- ♦ Standard Step Backwater Method (used for Energy Balance Method computations)
- ♦ Momentum Balance Method
- ♦ WSPRO Contraction Loss Method
- ♦ Pressure Flow Method
- ♦ Empirical Energy Loss Method (HDS 1)
- ♦ Two-dimensional Techniques
- ♦ Roadway/Bridge Overflow Calculations
- ♦ Backwater Calculations for Parallel Bridges
- ♦ Introduction
- ♦ Single Opening Design Guidelines
- ♦ Multiple Opening Design Approach
- ♦ Multiple Bridge Design Procedural Flowchart
- ♦ Cumulative Conveyance Curve Construction
- ♦ Bridge Sizing and Energy Grade Levels
- ♦ Freeboard Evaluation
- ♦ Analysis of Existing Bridges
- ♦ Extent of Flood Damage Prevention Measures
- ♦ Pier Foundations
- ♦ Approach Embankments
- ♦ Abutments
- ♦ Guide Banks (Spur Dikes)
- ♦ Bank Stabilization and River Training Devices
- ♦ Minimization of Hydraulic Forces and Debris Impact on the Superstructure
- ♦ Bridge Railing
- ♦ Deck Drainage
- ► 1. Introduction
- ♦ Overview of Urban Drainage Design
- ♦ Overview of Storm Drain Design
- ♦ Design Checklist
- ♦ 1. Problem Identification
- ♦ 2. System Plan
- ♦ 3. Design Criteria
- ♦ 4. Outfall Considerations and Features
- ♦ 5. Utility Conflicts
- ♦ 6. Construction
- ♦ 7. System Design
- ♦ 8. Check Flood
- ♦ 9. Documentation Requirements
- ♦ Hydrologic Considerations for Storm Drain Systems
- ♦ Flow Diversions
- ♦ Detention
- ♦ Determination of Runoff
- ♦ Other Hydrologic Methods
- ♦ Design Objectives
- ♦ Ponding
- ♦ Longitudinal Slopes
- ♦ Transverse (Cross) Slopes
- ♦ Hydroplaning
- ♦ Use of Rough Pavement Texture
- ♦ Inlet Types
- ♦ Curb Opening Inlets
- ♦ Grate Inlets
- ♦ Linear Drains
- ♦ Slotted Drains
- ♦ Trench Drains
- ♦ Combination Inlets
- ♦ Inlets in Sag Configurations
- ♦ Median/Ditch Drains
- ♦ Drainage Chutes
- ♦ Inlet Locations
- ♦ Gutter Flow
- ♦ Ponding on Continuous Grades
- ♦ Ponding at Approaches to Sag Locations
- ♦ Ponded Width Confirmation
- ♦ Carryover Design Approach
- ♦ Curb Inlets On-Grade
- ♦ Curb Inlets in Sag Configuration
- ♦ Slotted Drain Inlet Design
- ♦ Trench Drain Inlet Design
- ♦ Grate Inlets On-Grade
- ♦ Design Procedure for Grate Inlets On-Grade
- ♦ Design Procedure for Grate Inlets in Sag Configurations
- ♦ Conduits
- ♦ Access Holes (Manholes)
- ♦ Junction Angles
- ♦ Inverted Siphons
- ♦ Conduit Capacity Equations
- ♦ Conduit Design Procedure
- ♦ Conduit Analysis
- ♦ Minor Energy Loss Attributions
- ♦ Junction Loss Equation
- ♦ Exit Loss Equation
- ♦ Inlet and Access Hole Energy Loss Equations
- ♦ Energy Gradeline Procedure
- ► 1. Introduction
- ♦ Purpose of A Pump Station
- ♦ Security and Access Considerations
- ♦ Safety and Environmental Considerations
- ♦ Methods for Design
- ♦ Procedure to Determine Mass Inflow
- ♦ Introduction
- ♦ Storage Design Guidelines
- ♦ Pump Selection
- ♦ 1. Introduction
- ► 2. Coordination with Other Agencies
- ♦ Reservoir Agencies
- ♦ TxDOT Coordination
- ♦ Hydrology Methods
- ♦ Flood Storage Potential
- ♦ Reservoir Discharge Facilities
- ♦ Peak Discharge
- ♦ Scour Considerations
- ♦ Design Adequacy
- ♦ New Location Highways
- ♦ Existing Highways
- ♦ Minimum Top Establishment
- ♦ Structure Location
- ♦ Scour Considerations
- ♦ Introduction
- ♦ Embankment Protection Location
- ♦ Rock Riprap
- ♦ Soil-Cement Riprap
- ♦ Articulated Riprap
- ♦ Concrete Riprap
- ♦ Vegetation
- ► 1. Introduction
- ♦ Storm Water Management and Best Management Practices
- ♦ Requirements for Construction Activities
- ♦ Storm Drain Systems Requirements
- ♦ Erosion Process
- ♦ Natural Drainage Patterns
- ♦ Stream Crossings
- ♦ Encroachments on Streams
- ♦ Public and Industrial Water Supplies and Watershed Areas
- ♦ Geology and Soils
- ♦ Coordination with Other Agencies
- ♦ Roadway Guidelines
- ♦ Severe Erosion Prevention in Earth Slopes
- ♦ Channel and Chute Design
- ♦ Inspections
- ♦ Embankments and Cut Slopes
- ♦ Channels
- ♦ Repair to Storm Damage
- ♦ Erosion/Scour Problem Documentation
- ♦ Impacts of Increased Runoff
- ♦ Storm Water Quantity Management Practices
- ► 1. Conduit Durability
- ♦ Introduction
- ♦ Service Life
- ♦ Corrugated Metal Pipe and Structural Plate
- ♦ Corrugated Steel Pipe and Steel Structural Plate
- ♦ Exterior Coating
- ♦ Corrugated Aluminum Pipe and Aluminum Structural Plate
- ♦ Post-applied Coatings and Pre-coated Coatings
- ♦ Paving and Lining
- ♦ Reinforced Concrete
- ♦ Plastic Pipe
- ♦ Introduction
- ♦ Trench
- ♦ Positive Projecting (Embankment)
- ♦ Negative Projecting (Embankment)
- ♦ Imperfect Trench
- ♦ Bedding for Pipe Conduits
- ♦ Introduction
- ♦ Corrugated Metal Pipe Strength
- ♦ Concrete Pipe Strength
- ♦ High Strength Reinforced Concrete Pipe
- ♦ Recommended RCP Strength Specifications
- ♦ Strength for Jacked Pipe
- ♦ Reinforced Concrete Box
- ♦ Plastic Pipe